Advanced Electrical Testing


Using R&D to solve the world’s energy crisis

Electrical testing and characterization is a very fundamental aspect of the PREES Lab.  A primary research thrust is to develop an electronics package that is characterized and available for applications in all types of renewable energy systems.  We are a supporting institution in the development of the wide band-gap semiconductor device, and the post-silicon transistor.  In addition, we are also a contributor to the Advanced Transportation Energy Center. We are developing packages which can handle the high-frequency ( sub Ghz) high temperature (300 C)  high voltage (20 KV) and high current (1 KA).  Our devices are able to withstand the harsh and highly variable conditions of a renewable energy grid.

Applications of Wide Band Gap technologies

The PREES Lab is a fabrication facility for new types of electronics packages featuring Wide Band Gap technologies.   Our facility builds devices featuring high voltage blocking MOSHFET as well as SiC and GaN modules to name a few of the many WBG technologies we are familiar with.    As a supporting member of Power America, and the Future Renewable Electronic Energy Data Management Systems Center; PREES is pioneering the development of WBG modules and developing the methods to implement new technologies into the power grid.

